Thursday, 24 January 2013

Biopsy results part one 24/1/13

Please read with caution it’s not the best news therefore perhaps ensure you have someone around for support, if needed.

The name of the tumours is Astrocytic which is sometimes known as glioblastoma multiform (GBM) depending on the grade (severity – 1-4). Mine is grade 4: the most aggressive. If you want to understand and explore related information around this I recommend the site. The likely treatment being radiotherapy (where’s your best man when you need him?). Cause ‘unknown’;  genetic predisposition ‘unlikely’ (though mum died as a result of complications from lymphoma ) ‘their presence may have only been a short time; months’  as indicated by the onset of symptoms, how long they have been there  is impossible to say for certain.

Another post tomorrow after seeing the oncologists

Normal family stuff

All my own work

NH 24/01/13


  1. Sending my love to you and Anne x

    1. All my love, your future mother and father in law. X

  2. Ok that's a bummer. Advice doesn't change, be strong, be positive. Those with a positive outlook have a more positive outcome - FACT!

    Aggressive can also mean it responds faster/better to treatment.....

    My personal realization from Chris's situation is that Life is too short. So get that mobile phone, open that brewery ( or just drink it dry, whichever is your preference) buy that open top sports car and last but not least indulge that hat habit.

    Anything we can help with just let us know

  3. Hi Neil, thinking of you today. John is keeping a look out on the Jack website but they haven't got any forthcoming Cambridge gigs so have posted a couple of You Tube videos on your facebook.

    I know you have lots of great support from both your families but if there's anything we can do let us know.

    1. Well done on commenting! John and I will have to do some gigs either way.

  4. dear neil, anne, joseph, felix and rory

    we send our love and ask that you let us know if we can be useful to any of you in any way.


  5. Many thanks. We'll keep you informed.
