Monday, 14 January 2013

Biopsy Update

Hullo all.
I had my biopsy at three o’clock yesterday afternoon, and I returned home at five o’clock today. I will blog more about this tomorrow, but just a brief update because things are hard to keep track of at the moment.
Before I begin with some pictures and videos of my stay in hospital, I will mention a few themes I will be returning to in futures blogs:

-Job Roles in the NHS: The official NHS website suggests over 300 different careers, each with different levels within them (and often their own uniform). The hospital at which I am staying alone lists 16 uniforms on its website!

-The Ward Team, and their interactions: I won’t say much now, but I have experienced both the patient and carer perspectives, and I want to share my thoughts.

Arrival and support

Me in hospital

Pseudo Blogger.The real power behind the data entry and technical stuff is my  whiz of a son Joseph.Who  is  also due to marry the Delightful Lucy  .What a welcome addition to the family and  such positive news in contrast to the bad stuff. Oh and why not take up learning Japanese on top of your day job!

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