Monday, 4 February 2013

Postponement of Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy sessions (I) & (II) OF SIX had to be cancelled this week  as one of the machines was not working causing delay and backlog .Therefore I am due to have my first session on Thursday 7th February in the morning.
This arrangement suits me as my good friend Steve came up on Monday by train from Cornwall to stay until Wednesday ,therefore I have more time with him 'every cloud has a silver lining' .I may get some time to take him out to see some local sights


  1. Hello Neil
    Thanks for this blog, which is excellent and inspiring.
    We've only recently heard your news, but are glad to know that you obviously have such great support from family and friends.
    Keep strong, and hopefully we may catch up with you at the Junction or somewhere soon.
    If there's anything that Gill or I can do to help, you know where we are.
    Meanwhile, thoughts are with you.
    All the best

    1. hello Peter
      good to hear from you. Tomorrow we enter an important phase as treatment begins as Radiotherapy .Naturally some apprehension about the side affects and what difference it will actually make?.However I Trust in the experts and have some people close to hand who know about such matters and I am happy to go along with the recommendations . Taking each moment- moment- to moment ,whilst being sustained and recharged by all the support and well wishes from so many .
      Npt sure I will vemture as far as Lattitude this year ,nevertheless I will be at the junction and plan on seeing Ally Bain in J2 on the 13th April then Chris Woood.

  2. Sorry, that was me with the comment above. Don't know why it's appeared as "unknown"!
    Peter Edwards

  3. Hi Neil

    Will be thinking of you today, hope all goes well. Love Gaenor x

    1. Hello Gaenor
      the first of six Radiotherapy sessions went well.Bit claustrophobic under the mask otherwise a bit of a breeze as I was feeling knackered and welcomed an opportunity to lay down. (I blame your husband and his boozy shenanigans!). I understand that the the worst of the side effects ,fatigue ,hair loss ,skin problems tend to creep up as we progress through the sessions.Many thanks to you and Alice for supporting Anne with some alternative company and support.I know she is feeling it on many levels and is a master in putting on a brave face,Hopefully going to take the boys and Anne away for a few days for a family break/recharge soon. then things will settle down into somekind of routine?
