Monday, 18 February 2013

Radiotherapy #5
This afternoon Anne and I went to outpatients for the 5/6 planned radiotherapy sessions. The procedure went well (apart from the inevitable delay) .Whilst waiting, we sat and talked with fellow patients and their families  some of whom were having to travel long distances by car from as far afield as Peterborough and by train public- transport from Downham Market. Which reminds us how fortunate Anne and in spite of the cancer .Moreover ,our Very good friend Linda provided us with some local parking and lift to outpatients which takes  a bit more of the strain out of the proceedings. 
Listening to the individual stories of fellow patients tends to be a mixed blessing. One couple explained that although the patient had to undergo Forty! radiotherapy sessions combined with surgery for the removal of externally protruding tumors they had been informed that the prognosis  would mean a cure rate of  “100 % ”. Equally another patient who had surgery  then radiotherapy has been equally informed that the cure would be “100%” and had proceeded to make plans ,booking holidays etc. What is obvious in comparing their and my situation is that there tumors are operable whereas mine are not and the primary aim of the radiotherapy is attempting to control /manage the growth of this particularly aggressive type.

Anthony  expert cake & car construction and big sister

Cheese cake dutch/German version .Thanks to Ayen,Marion .Carolee (3)

Rory entertains Carolee (3) with his impression of a Turtle

Anthony s cake. Highly sustaining very  delicious

swollen ankles due to steroids

Sharon goes Greek & I am taken back to Corfu

Thanks Sharon .Anne & I  were much recharged after your visit.

Sharon s Greek lunch needing 'Donkeys milk ' Wests.Thanks  for  saving  from the earth quake!

In contrast , I understand that the effectiveness of my treatment is more like 10% as it currently stands .Still ,as depressing as that sounds ,ten is better than zero..I retain my faculties and was able to go into work at Newmarket for a few hours by train which was good for me .I managed to catch up with colleagues and do some work.I continue to receive so much support and love from so many people such that I remain emotionally and physically OK (apart from side effects of Steroids ;swelling of face/ankles /neck/thighs plus  early morning waking,weight gain etc ) notwithstanding these ,I am happy to remain on them if they are keeping the headaches away!

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